Tuesday, March 06, 2007

From the Inside Looking Out

As you probably know, I have absolutely no decorating sense at all. So I need some opinions on this one. Please.
We have a colonial house. Not from colonial times, unless one considers the 80's a time for pioneers. But a house built in the colonial style. In other words, a box. The windows in our house has windows that are gridded.... paned. I think originally windows were this way because smaller panes of glass were easier to make, transport, replace, etc. And now windows are this way for aesthetic reasons.
Or at least this is what I assume. Because in our house the windows ARE FAKE!!!!!! They are normal sized, regular old windows. The wooden square thingies, these bars, they are just sticks placed on the inside of the windows to make it LOOK like the windows are made with smaller panes. Really, they aren't. I found this out because they have started falling off. OK, fine, getting knocked off. Gunther jumpes up like a mad dog whenever anyone delivers a package, and I can actually hear the sticks breaking and falling to the ground. And what's left looks really odd. I've tried to fix them, but nothing has worked so far. And I catch the kids walking around waving them like batons or even carrying entire grids around as though they have found some ancient relic.

So my question is, do you think the windows would look naked without them? I knind of like the unaltered light that comes through the windows, and now I'm strating to realize that these faux-panes make the place look like a prison, with all these bars... so...
What sdo you think? Naked? Or Prison?


Debs said...

I think naked.

Debs said...

That is have the windows without bars, not that I have to take all my clothes off in order to think. Just to clear that one up :-)

Kathleen said...

Thanks, Debs! I was worried for a moment there! ;-)

Jules said...

Definitely naked. Bring in the light! (besides then you won't have to worry about whether Gunther is pulling the wooden sticks off, or if the kids are running around with them. And I am ALL FOR whatever makes your life easier!!)

Anonymous said...

I say that unless they're the real thing--that is, real small-paned windows, you ahouls keep them natural--sans sticks. It certainly looks better all clear than with an assortment of different-sized sticks or some missing sticks. The windows will be easier to clean, too.

Anonymous said...

I meant, of course SHOULD keep them natural. This is what comes of typing with one hand in a cast.

Phara said...
