Thursday, March 15, 2007


Blogger still won't let me upload any photos... I hav no idea if it's blogger or some setting on my computer or what. All I know is that it's irritating.

But since I haven't been taking many pictures lately, it's also kind of saving me.

Yesterday the weather hit 70 degrees. I mean, it was that warm. Tuesday had been sunny and warm, too, and I took the kids outside, but we could only stay out a short while due to the fact that my shoes were sinking six inches into the mud each time I took a step. I'm not kidding - you can see my deep footprints on the lawn. So yesterday, after picking Nick up from school, I took the boys to the park.

Nick was very excited to go to the park. As soon as I started driving he started asking "Where's the park? Mom? Mom? Where is it? Where is the park? " as though I would forget where we were going or not recognize it or something. And, of oucrse, once we got there, we had to deal with the other 300 children who were there for the same reson we were - non-muddy outdoors.

I have never before this been to the park with two mobile children. I mean mobile as in walking. Nicholas, of course, immediately ran for the slides, climbing ladders and scaling walls he hadn't been able to on his own last fall. And Nathan was happy just running, and then getting as close as he could to swinging swings, sharp drops, falling boulders.... you get the picture. The problems wa, I couldn't keep an eye on them both at the same time.

I know that, at some point, a parent feels comfortable enough saying "go play" and then burying her nose in a book, or a cell phone, or another mother's storytelling. But NIcholas isn't three yet, so I feel that I should know where he is at all times. This proved to be impossible. I ended up scooping up Nate, trying to convince him to play wherever I could get a line of sight on the other child - the one shouting 'Go, Nicholas! GO!" and jumping up and down on the climbing equipment.

Today it is raining, and it is cold. And now I am in a hurry for spring to be here please, thank you very much.

Anyway, I'm still feeling sick this morning. Nathan has a cold, and the way my throat and ear feel, I think I have it, too. Not only am I sick, tired, and cranky, but so is Nathan. Nicholas, however, has asked to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. (We only went that one time about a year ago!) He is feeling fine.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

Well, today your mother & I are leaving sunny (relatively), warm Tennessee. It is definitely Spring down here & everything is blooming. But we are headed back to NYC this afternoon where I hear there will be cold weather enough to greet us & snow is expected on Friday night! It was a nic elittle respite to be here where flowers are blooming & people are walking around without sweaters or jackets, but it's time to get back to reality.