Our town has a primary eection this upcoming Tuesday. You can always tell when these things are just around the corner from the many, many signs that are posted along the side of the road. Most of them just have names od them, but some of them have more cryptic sounding messages. "Vote NO on Proposals 2,3, and 5!"
None of these signs, absolutely none of them, explain their politics. I have no idea what these people who want me to vote for them think. What is this guy's experience? How has that woman voted in the past? Should I vote just because I like the signpost better than the other 15 signposts on that particular corner?
As a voter, I know it is my responsibility to figure these things out. But honestly, who has the time? Have you seen how many signs are out there?
We are in the process of building a High School. Not me and Steve, that would be silly, but our town. For some reason there is a great to do about all this. It can't just be done. Every little thing has to be bickered over, discussed, voted on, and voted on before that to see if it should be voted on.
We were recently sent a booklet outlining Building Options for this high school. It included a floor plan of each option. Option A is the basics. Option B would include an extra softball field and Option C would include a greenhouse. It outlined how much each option would cost the taxpayer. But as far as I can tell, it's like buying a car. You can't just get SOME of the options. If you want the greenhouse, you've got to take the softball field. This booklet explained which proposals on the ballot had to pass for each option to pass. Option #4 means the greenhouse passes, option #3 means softball, and if option #2 doesn't pass then apparently we don't get to build the high school at all.
There are a bunch of signs out there that say "Vote YES on 2, 3, and 4!" But there are also a lot of signs that say 'Vote NO on options 2, 3, and 4! SUPPORT SCHOOL PLANNING!"
My questions is - IS THIS NOT A PLAN? Because the floor plan looked like a plan to me. Or is it just not THE RIGHT plan? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
And of course, there's no real way to find out. No one that speaks about politics speaks plainly. English is not a political language.
Election issues reduced to numbers. It makes it easy to get on a sign, but doesn't help explain anything at all. I feel your frustration. Just take Nathan into the booth & let him throw the levers -- I think he is wise beyond his years & ultimately, he is the one who will be using that new high school!
Right on Linda.
I understand your frustration Kathleen.
We're having our local Mayor election and there is a serious issue that will affect us, but I can't understand all the double talk coming from both sides.
We're planning to send an email today to one of the candidates to have something explained to us -- if that is actually possible.
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