I am a very important person.
In fact, I am so important to the happiness of my children, that they cannot, cannot, be happy without me. Apparently. At least this is what I concluded at 5:00am, when I refused to let Nicholas creep into our bed (again) and made him go back to his own room. He screamed and cried. At 5:30, Nate woke up. He finally screamed enough so that I let him out of his crib. "I'll let you out. Now you guys play quietly and I'm going back to bed until 6." As I left the room I heard the wailing and the screaming begin. Oh, the pain. Oh, the horror. Oh, what an evil parent am I. How horrid of me, to try to sleep until 6am when only just down the hall are two little boys who NEED ME. For something.
I'm not sure what they need me for. Up until now I have let Nick crawl into bed with us, but he doesn't sleep. He sqiggles and wiggles and pats my face and pokes his fingers in my closed eyes. When both boys are awake I try to sleep on Nick's bed while they play, but they climb all over me and bash me over the head with books and then ignore me while they play a game called "How many things can I throw onto the floor of my room before Mom stops trying to sleep and puts a stop to it."
The truth is, I'm no good until 6am. I'm no good for a nursing infant (except as food source), and I'm REALLY no good for a walking, talking child who can play by himself for at least a short while. So while I am flattered that my boys cry out for me, and want to spend time with me, I humbly request that this time be spent between the hours of 6am and 9pm. That is all I ask.
It's time to start bribing them with goodies or whatever you can think of as an incentive. Nick is probably old enough to grasp this concept and maybe he can "explain" it to Nate.
So much for my two cents worth.
I'll tell you something Kathleen, I can't live without you and your wondeful blog, although 'tis true I don't usually check it before 6am.
You ARE the most important person to them...& you will be for a very, very long time. I doubt they will let you forget it. But it's not likely to slip easily from your brain either.
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