So... the whole point to yesterday's point got lost as I wrote it. There was actually a point to it BESIDES the fact that I'm struggling to potty train Nick.
The Ironic thing is that Nathan has developed some sort of liking for these two potty training books. I don't know what it is, Perhaps it's because they are thin and easy for him to pick up. Or because of the pictures on the covers - one has a young child actually sitting on the potty, and the other has Brazelton (All Hail Brazelton!) on the cover holding a small child.
For those of you unfamiliar with Brazelton, he's a leading pediatrician who revolutionalized potty training, among other things. He's the one that thought it should wait until the child was ready. I had to watch several videos about him and his child rearing technniques during my childhood education days. I actually like him a lot. If you want to know what he's like, think Mr. Rogers... only more mild.
Anyway, Nate loves these books, especially the Brazelton one, and he runs to the bookshelf where I keep them every moment he can just to grab one and wave it around in my face. "Here Mom! Try these! What you're doing with him obviously isn't working!"
I think he's probably trying to tell me something.
Anyway, in terms of the potty training, here's what I've tried: waiting for Nick to be excited about it, Sitting on the potty and reading fun books / singing fun songs!, Putting him in underwear to see how great it is, buying him fun pulls up to use, giving him marshmallows or m&ms each time he pees in the potty, telling him if he goes a few hours / all morning / whatever with no accidents that we'll do something special, backing off and letting him wear diapers and not saying anything for as long as I can stand it before starting the whole thing all over again.
By the way, one of the BIG things I'm doing in Potty Training is trying to encourage Nick. I try not to make too big a deal when there are accidents. I praise him (but not too much!) when he actually makes it. He's just not interested, so I have to schedule trips to the bathroom into our day and make it as fun as I can. (Look! DisneyLand! In our BATHROOM!) And as much as I complain about it, we're getting there. It's just taking a long time, and I didn't anticipate taking so many steps backwards so many times.
You know I don't have kids & I know you've tried just about everything...but have you tried putting a few Cheerios (or other floaty cereal) in the bowl & asking him to "sink them" with a stream of pee? Now this would probably work better if he could stand, but it might be a real game (i.e., challenge) if he were sitting & trying.
Well, at least even if none of the ideas are working yet you've got Linda to comment on your blog and make you laugh! :-)
Hi Kathleen! Alethea claims to have potty trained Ava in about a day. Just put her in underwear and that was it. Apparently it was a sucky day for everybody, but it was over relatively quickly because i guess Ava didn't like being wet and soggy. Dunno if that would work for boys though.. they are wired differently...
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