When I was a kid, toothpaste was toothpaste. It didn't seem so complicated. Sure, they came out with the "gel" toothpastes instead of the "paste" toothpaste, and we thought that was the coolest! But still, toothpaste was toothpaste and that was that.
These days I spend more and more time in the toothpaste aisle trying to find what I want. It shouldn't be so complicated. But the last time I purchased toothpaste I accidentally got cinnamon flavored paste. Cinnamon.
Cinnamon is not a bad spice. I like it in pies, and on pork chops, with apples, on toast... But this toothpaste? It's like brushing your teeth with a stick of Big Red. It does not leave my mouth feeling minty clean, but instead leaves my mouth feeling like there is a filmy substance coating my gums.
The thing is, it's hard to find normal toothpaste. Everything is vanilla flavored, lemon flavored... why not make one that tastes like cake? Or chicken? Toothpaste should be MINT! End of story. Not to mention the fact that I must also navigate the KIND of toothpaste - tartar control? Whitening? The whitening stuff hurts my teeth - I have sensitive teeth. Should I buy the special toothpaste for that?
Add to that the fact that I now need to get toothpaste for Nicholas. Nicholas prefers the toothpaste with Diego on the tube. He says he likes his toothpaste, which, I noticed the other day, claims to be "Mild Bubble Fruit Flavored!" Which simply makes me wonder where on this earth one can find this Bubble Fruit? Is it strong? Is that why they specify "mild?"
I need to get more toothpaste. I would like to just walk up the the shelf, grab a toothpaste, and leave. But I don't want to end up brushing my teeth with Bubble fruit, Lemon pie, Whitening formula stuff. I want the toothpaste from when I was a kid.
I love the Cinnamon toothpaste -- it's my favourite! Mint is second. You can keep all the rest.
O, by the way, if Nathan or anyone at all is foaming at the mouth (as he seems to be doing in that picture), you might want to cut down on the amount of toothpaste you're putting on his/her toothpaste!
Hurrah for toothpaste. I totally agree that it ought to be mint or mint or maybe mild mint. But none of these freaky other flavours!
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