Thursday, June 07, 2007

Two Stooges

Yesterday I thought the funniest thing I would ever see in my life was Nick and Nate out by the slide. Nick was perched at the top of the slide, gearing up to slide down, and the very MOMENT he pushed off Nathan reached out and YOINK snatched off his brother's hat. Nick screamed in protest all the way to the bottom of the slide as Nathan toddled off as fast as he could to the other end of the platform with his stolen item.

Of course I reacted by laughing my head off.

As Nick stormed up the platform, ready to take revenge and reclaim his chapeau, Nathan tossed it down the slide and again ran off. Both boys ended up laughing at me laughing, and then Nicholas went around and stole ALL our hats for comic effect.

Everyone should laugh like that at least once a day.

1 comment:

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

I love that! And it looks like it's baseball season from the picture you posted. Knock one out of the yard, Nick!