Friday, September 28, 2007

Nothing Personal

It's nothing personal, but I hate everyone this morning.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the boys have started waking up at 5am again. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I am pregnant and my fingers are swollen and I am uncomfortable. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I can't do anything without one of kids wanting something from me, and being very aggressive and not too polite about how they are asking. Or perhaps it is just that my heart is two sizes too small.

Whatever. Just... I'm an Emotional Idiot. So get away from me. I mean, come here.


Jamie said...

Don't you have any interests? Hobbies? Sailing? Fly-fishing? Archeology? There's an archeology exhibit leaving tomorrow. Why don't you go.

Today a "transformer" caught on fire under the Osborne and we lost power until just now. That is all.

Lindax0x0x0x0x said...

I hate everyone too...but I am sending you hugs from NYC. Close your eyes & think this: You are sitting on the couch & I am holding you. We are doing nothing at all, just sitting with eyes closed. Every time one of those little brats comes close to you I carefully remove one arm from around you so as not to disturb you & throw a cushion at the disruptive one & give him the hairy eyeball. He retreats whimpering. You continue to relax.