For the past couple of months now I have been lugging around a cell phone with a dead battery. I am not as dependent on my cell phone as some other people I know. For one thing, I do not get cell phone reception in my own house, so immediately the time I can actually use the thing is cut down to about 5% of the time. For another thing, and please no one take offense, but I strongly believe that cell phones should NOT be used while driving. I know, I have several friends who use commute times as the time to catch up and make calls, and I love hearing from them, but it's dangerous and unsafe and whenever I see a driver on the phone I want to throw something through their windshield because usually they are also doing something really stupid and just haven't noticed. When I need to use my phone while driving, I get off as soon as I can. So... there's another chunk of time I don't usually use my phone.
The thing is, when you're pregnant, particularly as you get bigger and bigger and it seems more and more likely that your body might just split open at any moment, a cell phone seems more and more like a must. What if my water breaks while I am at the grocery store? I should have my phone with me. Just in case. Because you don't want to have to drive yourself back home - even if it's only 15 minutes - when you might be having contractions. That makes cell phone use while driving seem logical.
Anyway, I plugged in my cell phone. And for the past four days it has been sitting here on the kitchen counter, fully charged, as I drove around doing errands and shopping and picking kids up from school and taking them to the park. If I don't forget to charge the thing I forget to bring it with me.
thats why you have to give nick a REAL cellphone. he'd remember to charge it AND bring it everwhere
Congrats on charging the cel. Now carry it with you; it might come in handy at some later point. But to get to my real comment: Nato is totaly rockin' that look -- diapers & fireboots (I see a centerfold in his future)...but have his hips become hideoulsy twisted so as to painfully reverse his feet or are the bots just on backwards???? Fix that boy! , & Jame might just have the perfect solution.
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