Wednesday, June 28, 2006

bwess you mommy

Nick has a cold - AGAIN. And of course I'm doind the usual "chasing round the room with a cloth trying to stop the flow of snot from nose." It's as if someone turned on a faucet, and I know it bothers him a lot.

Anyway, yesterday, for the first time, I saw Nick put his hand in front of his mouth while sneezing. Considering the number of colds he gets, this is HUGE. I can't tell you how many times he just sneezes point blank on me or Steve or his brother or the hamburger helper I have just made for family dinner. We are encouraging him to repeat this hygenic action. We're also stressing all sorts of manners. Please, which he just doesn't say. Thank you, where he either says "you're welcome" or "so much." And I'm also trying to teach him that it isn't polite to butt people with his head.

Nick has also said a couple of COMPLETE SENTENCES. Ok, they were small complete sentences, but complete. Once, as he was trying to lug a portable stereo up the stairs, he turned to me and asked "Will you help me?" and I was so touched by the fact that he asked for help without a tantrum AND did it using so many words strung together that I forgot I was upset he was playing with the CD player and helped him.

The other day Steve was headed downstairs to his office and I was trying to get Nick downstairs for lunch, and Steve took off out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Nicholas let out a scream and then shouted, crying, "Daddy! Wait for me!" I opened the door and Standing there with this look on his face, a look that said " I know I was going to just leave, but how could I resist THOSE WORDS coming out of MY BOY?"


Anonymous said...

Well, I know two grandparents ready to drink a toast to Nicky's conversational skills. This is wonderful! We can't wait to see the two. It's so sweet that Nick fell asleep in the crib with Nate. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hip hip hooray! By the time I get there in August, he'll be holding 1/2 hr discourses & I won't need a translator!