Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas (eve), when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings weren't hung yet because of the dread
Nate would yank the heavy anchors onto his head.

The boys were all nestled all snug in their beds
with pillows and blankets piled over their heads.

The lights were all off, no computer did beep
At 4am we were having a long winter's sleep.

When down from the kitchen there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

I flipped over the blankets and downstairs in a flash
to find out what it was that made such a crash!

Groped for the light switch just so I could see
'cause in the dark objects were hidden to me

When what to my sleep blurry eyes did appear
But my cat, and the trash he knocked over - Oh, dear!

I scooped up what I could and straightened the can.
Back to bed and to sleep right away, was the plan!

But a tiny cry started, so lively and quick!
And I knew in a moment that it wasn't Nick.

"Oh, Nathan!" I cried "please go back to sleep!"
But by then his crying was more than I peep.

I hurried and rocked him back into a slumber,
wondering how long we'd go through this number.

And that's when I heard it, yes, I heard THE NOISE
That yodeling, yodeling, yodeling noise.

The one the cat makes just before he throws up.
As soon as I heard it I wrinkled my nose up.

"This can NOT be happening!" I said to myself.
As I put baby in crib and the bottle on shelf.

I crept back in bed, determined to ignore it
But then what did I hear - Uh, I abhore it!

A little voice cried "Mommy, Mommy, Oh, Mama!
Please come and help me - I need new Pyjama!"

True to his word, Nick's diaper had leaked
And I knew I was having a not-good sleep week.

I whisked him away and his diaper did change
I didn't ask but I'm sure that he thought it strange

It was 5am and there was still no light
but I knew there would be no more sleep tonight

Nick and I played quietly in the guest bed
balancing pillows on top of our head.

We talked about Christmas until Nate did wake
The I fed the boys breakfast and started to bake.

Because Santa is coming - don't you guys see?
And I hope you are all as excited as me!

When things get nuts, smile! They will turn out all night.
Merry Christmas to All! And Good Night! And Sleep Tight!


Debs said...

Merry Christmas to you and all your family :-)

Jamie said...
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