Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Exorcism

As befits the date (6-6-06, everyone roll their eyes now please) my children are obviously acting under the influence of horrible demons, horrible demons who loathe silence and feel that 5am is an appropriate time to wake up in the morning.

Nathan has now caught the cold that Nick and I had. This is more painful than you would think because he will not sleep for longer than 20 minutes at a time. And of course, he won't put himself back to sleep when he wakes up. He requires comforting and nursing. And he is too little to give medicine to. He cries when I put him down, either on the floor or in his bed or carrier or swing or anywhere else. He slept in his carrier IN his crib last night, sitting up a bit to keep his congestion from getting too bad.

I am very aware of how I am interacting with my children these days, post nick-elbow-trauma. And I can say with confidence that, this morning, I sounded like a woman who would not only dislocate her child's elbow, but then mix it up into sloppy joe's while smoking and wearing a hairnet. I don't think anyone heard me, though, as it was only 5am.

I am confident that this is the last day Nathan will have this cold, and that he will be sleeping soundly again by tonight. If not, I shall medicate him anyway. And then I'll medicate myself. Ny-Quil for all!


Jamie said...

I've been out of the savages loop since friday now and I guess I'm a little late to tell you hey! it's ok! it was an accident and it's not like he resents you for it! Also, I am full in support of your Nyquil decision, that stuff is great!

Debs said...

Haven't been able to comment before - my housemate's school planning takes priority over my blog reading (esp since it's her computer)but just wanted to add my say. Please don't worry, you didn't mean to hurt Nick. Not being a parent I can't add any personal experience, but I know one of the kids I babysit for managed to jump off a chair that was right next to his mum (I seem to recall we was trying to fly) and break his leg. Seems like it happens to everyone. Apart from me - I'm just soooo accident prone that I cause damage to myself all the time(not intentionally, it just happens somehow). You're a great mum and Nate & Nick are really lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

If you medicate yourself enough, you won't even hear the kids! Ny-Quil & a couple of shots of your favourite alcoholic poison should do it. I myself prefper margaritas since tequila seems to work fastest on me -- though I horribly regret it the next morning.

All the rest of you people are taking all this waaaaay too seriously.

Fleen, you're doing fine. x0x