Friday, July 14, 2006

Beach Brain

I simply cannot focus enough to write anything these days. I don't know how people come to this part of the country and get inspired... Actually, that's a lie. I can see very well how people who come here get inspired. But then I don't see how they can get past that and actually DO anything with the inspiration. I would have to take a bunch of pictures and then go back home before I could settle down enough to work on my novel, or my painting, or what have you.

It's different here from when I was a kid. I used to use sunscreen for the first week of my vacation, using the smallest number I could find - I think it was 4. Then I would grab a book and lay out in the sun, trying to achieve that bronze look. Instead I just got freckles, and now I have a billion moles for my pains.

These days I am putting sunscreen on five times a day. I never leave the house without a hat and sunglasses. If I go to the beach there is no soaking in the sun, just cavorting in the water for a small time. And forget about the books - I have three books I took from home and I'm still reading the first one because I rarely get the chance to read more than half a page at a time.

I am enjoying this vacation very much. But I miss Steve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I am soooo jealous! I can almost smell the beach from here & the wine! I would make dinner & a nice light coooooool dessert! Keep taking pictures & slathering on the sunscreen!