Thursday, July 06, 2006

pitcher of water down mail chute - CHECK

In taking stock of the things I need to do before I leave, I'm actually in pretty good shape. The things I CAN do have been done. I'm waiting until tomorrow to do a few others - like change the cat litter and buy a lot of frozen pizza for Steve. I'm now trying to find a few other things to do so that I won't keep finding small items to shove into my suitcase.

I wanted to say something about yesterday's Sisyphus post. I realized a while ago that I complain a LOT on this blog, and that I could have named it "WHY NOT TO HAVE KIDS" and not be too far off the mark. BUT, it's not my intention. So I'm posting this link to the sisyphus myth as told and explained by Albert Camus. He imagines Sisyphus happy at his task, and also says "happiness and absurd are two sons of the same earth."

In other words, if I didn't have crazy nights where I hardly slept, and if I didn't wipe noses and change diapers and wander around like a zombie, I would not be having as much fun. OK, fine, not at that particular MOMENT. But it is kind of funny, a day later. Plus, I love my kids so much, and I wouldn't DO those crazy things if I didn't have this crazy insane stronger than you could even imagine emotion.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm happy. I'm crazy. I'm really tired, but given my choices, I'd rather be tired this way than not tired without kids.

Thank you very much, and have a nice day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're lucky. Most of us are just crazy & tired without being happy. What happens to the blog while you are away??? Will you post from France with pictures of the children drinking wine & eating stinky-feet cheeses????