Sunday, July 16, 2006

How The Girls Are Doing It

I have always been amazed at how effortless summer garb comes to some women. You know the ones I'm talking about. These are the girls that are always in shape and don't seem to worry about how they will look in their swimsuits. They are able to don flip flops without worrying about their feet or toenail polish. They either don't need bras or they have magical summer-wear that does the job for them. And they also seem to have no problems whatsoever with shorts - and my that, I mean leg hair.

I have always had an issue with leg hair. I know, I know, this post is getting personal - please just stay with me. I used to shave my legs. With some people, thi is enough. They shave their legs and they are good for two or three days. Well, they are probably natural blonds with pony tails that look like a rat's tail. Not me. I am hairy by nature. I have a huge head of hair. And I have lots of hair on my legs. I am the only person I know that gets five o'clock shadow on my legs. And I NEVER get that smooth, hairless look because my hairs are so dark and my skin so pale that, when shaving, you can see the hairs under the skin, waiting to peek out.

A few years ago I began waxing my legs. I used to go to a salon to get it done, but then I just started doing it myself every few weeks. The trouble with waxing is that you get a few days of being able to wear shorts or skirts without worry, and then the hairs starts growing out again, and then you have to wait 2 more weeks before being able to get it done again. Nevertheless, I subscribe to this method of hair removal because it eliminates the "hair under the skin" problem I associate with shaving. I end up wearing long pants a lot, even in summer, or just hoping people are not looking at my legs.

The other day, walking to the beach, I saw a daisy chain of girls - five or six of them - sitting on the bench outside the public toilets. These girls were either in their late teens or early twenties, and these are the girls you find wearing tank tops and sundresses effortlessly. Over their perfect tans. Each of these girls had a leg draped over another, and each held a pair of tweezers. Each girl was studying the leg on their lap and very carefully plucking out individual hairs. So THIS is how they do it, I thought! I have discovered the secret to perfectly groomed legs! However, I don't think I will be hopping on this bandwagon anytime soon. I think the tweezer method would take to long. At least on me. Not to mention the fact that I would need five friends to pluck their legs with me, and I don't think these would be easy to find.


Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, like I understand completely, having been a former hairy person myself. But you have got to try the string thing! I had it done on my eyebrows & it was fabulous!!! I had it done in Jordan by a woman I could not understand; she twirled a string on me & the hair was gone. It hurts less than waxing but lasts about as long. I know they are doing it in NYC.

And I have never been one of those girls either. I think you have to be blonde to be one of those girls.

Anonymous said...

I'm gray now and bleached blonde becase I used to be a redish blonde but have battled the hair on the leg thing forever -- add to that my spider veins and freckles and you have one not-so-pretty picture. Someone told me about a lotion called "Tend" that is supposed to not show the stubble remains you may get from a razor after shaving. As far as I know, you can only get it on line -- I haven't looked yet.

Thank God for capri pants but I'm really waiting for the swim-bloomers like they wore in the roaring 20s to come back in style.

I should live so long!!!

Anonymous said...

The website is

Debs said...

My legs are all stubble-y at the moment and I also recently develped the inability to shave without cutting myself (I blame the tiredness, roll on the summer holidays!)