Today, out of the blue, the pop up window that lets me attach photos is not popping up. (Actually, once I published this post I went back and was able to attach a photo in the Edit mode, so here we have a wonderful Photo of Nathan.)
This is especially frustrating because I feel that no matter what I do, I can't win. I used to use Explorer as my browser. However, once I upgraded my blog, I found that explorer would no longer let me see the login window. I got a message asking for my email address and my password, but no actual space to type it all in. This meant I had to use Safari, which is great, only most of the new features from the upgrade cannot be used in Safari, redering the upgrade useless.
And now the pop up window for photos isn't popping up.
And I never know what I'm dealing with. Is this a change Blogger has made on a permanent basis? Or is this an error that will be fixed? Or is it the result of something Steve did late last night? Some anti Spy program designed to make it so that we never have to look at ads?
In other words, how mad should I be, and at who?
Good question!
I use firefox and mostly don't have any problems with it.
I hope you get things sorted out.
You should download & use FoxFire. It is free & does not have all the little glitches IE has, plus it has some kind of great filter that prevents viruses & other pesky things from coming through the internet! Try it -- you will like it! O, it's very very easy to migrate all your preferences from IE to FoxFire too!
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