But I don't care because today I got to sleep in, and Steve made me breakfast, and I got chocolates and all sorts of wonderful surprises. How nice!
Also, every mother deserves a day. Fathers, too, but they get one later. Because parents work HARD for their kids, and there is no way to accurately appreciate it until one becomes a parent oneself. I don't care what you say, YOU JUST DON'T KNOW unitl you have been up all night worrying, chaging sheets, cleaning up puke, taking temeratures, and rearranging you entire life to accomodate the little lives you are responsible for.
So here are some pictures of Nathan doing housework. It's how our house stays clean.
Real Mothering Sunday (i.e. the one in the middle of Lent we celebrate in the UK) is part of church tradition rather than an invention of card companies. Not that you'd know that looking at the shops in March and April. I say mothers are worth celebrating whenever, wherever. Happy Mothers' Day!
Please send Nathan to my apartment immediately -- I am no mother, but my apt could use a good cleaning!
O, yeah, & a Happy Mother's Day to you too!
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