Where else in the world does it go directly from "Too Cold" to "Too Hot" without an in between?
Last night Nick and Nate had some trouble getting to sleep. Actually, that is a lie. The part where I said "some." Because actually it was a "lot" of trouble falling asleep.
At first they were just crying and moaning, but then, about an hour after I had put them down, Nicholas started this SCREAMING thing, where you can't tell if he's in pain or scared or WHAT and nothing got him to stop. No amount of talking, threatening, coddling, nothing could make the noise stop. I told him he was safe. I told him we loved him. I told him if he didn't stop screaming I would make him sleep in the shed. Nothing worked. I finally sat there until he fell asleep, and that lasted for about ten minutes, until he woke up and realized that I was GONE!
It got to the point where Steve actually came and took him OUT of the bed, and then I let him sleep in our bed with me until Steve fell asleep. so that gave us an hour of quiet. But then it just started up again until I broke one of my big, huge rules: I screamed "SHUT UP!" And Nicholas cried for a few more seconds, then fell asleep.
I feel terrible. But at least I got a few hours of sleep before they woke up AT FIVE THIRTY.
And now, here is a picture of my tulips, at least a couple of tulips before last week's rain ripped them to shreds. I planted them too far apart, so they look funny.
Do you keep gardening equipment in the shed? If so, just tell him he will have to re-plant all the tulips closer together in the dark the next time he can't sleep!
Re the "shut-up", I guess Nick can't remember anybody explaining it like that before. It certainly works for me. I guess the trick is not to use it too often lest it looses its surprise factor.
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