Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I have run out of pictures to post. To be honest, when the kids were feverish and I was stressing about my Aunt I didn't really go for the camera too often.

Today it is supposed to get warm. More than warm, HOT! Accuweather has predicted a high of 87, with "Real Feel" of 89. That means that it's still 50 in the morning, but even now I can feel the heat of the day in the air, as though it were a scent. I dressed both boys in overalls - Nathan in these cute tractor overalls that used to be Nick's, and Nick in these new Go Diego Go! overalls that are actually a size too big for him, and that are actually a Very Bad Idea, given that he can't remove them himself to use the bathroom. Once I realized this I suggested changing him into other, easer to manage summer clothing, but you would have thought I had suggested drawning our cats for fun. So I quickly dropped it and resigned myself to a day of difficult potty-going.

Regardless, I will take pictures, because it is going to be worth it.

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