I'm not sure who this post is about.
It might be a post about Nathan, who has been crankier than usual these past few days. He has reached the point where he is trying to speak, but very few words are actually, well, words. When he gets frustrated, not only with his communcation but with his ability to move heavy objects, put puzzles together, turn the pages of a book, etc. he screams and flings the nearest object across the room.
Of course, this might also be a post about NIck. Nicholas is uncomfortable. Determined not to poop in the potty, yet reluctant to poop in his underwear, Nicholas has solved the problem by just turning that function off altogether. At least mostly. For the past couple of days. Needless to say, he is uncomfortable. He whines and whimpers and screams when I suggest we sit on the potty or have a nice glass of prune juice. All night long I was in and out of his room, alternately soothing him or threatening to throw him out the window, depending on what kind of dream I ha been having when he woke me up.
Which bring me to... me. This could be a post about me. Because I am definitely cranky. I am exhausted from lack of sleep and trying to be patient. I would pay someone twenty dollars to wattch my kids while I used the bathroom, just so I could sit without two kids climbing on top of me. As I type this, Nathan is whacking me with his sip cup, which apparently is out of milk. He is also trying to climb up my body, and it is only a matter of time before I loose it and lock myself in the closet just to get away.
The End, have a nice day.
I remember that!
Oooooo, nooooo! But he is pretty smart to have figured out that if he doesn't go at all, he doesn't have to worry about either the pants or the potty! So maybe he's a Smarty-Pants! Hope he soon realises that not going is also detrimental to his well-being & mental health!
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