Thursday, May 17, 2007

Little Brother

The last time I was home, Winston had a bit too much to drink. He became sentimental and let it sneak out that he considered his brother and sisters his best friends. I was very, very touched, mostly because I understood.

Today he is 31, and I do not remember a time before he was born.

Happy Birthday, Winston!


Anonymous said...

I remember the time in nursery school when he told me "I don't want any friends 'cept Kafleen."

Anonymous said...

Winstone, he's a Flinstone. And I remember when he said "I gave Thea three fruit roll-ups and she still doesn't love me." Which prefigure his and my relationship with women for the rest of our lives.

Debs said...

Happy Birthday Winston!
You almost share a birthday with me :-)