Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Peace Pipe

See this photo of my youngest child? See te green plug in his mouth? We're getting rid of it.

Nick never took to a pacifier, so I've never done this before. Nathan didn't sleep with it all night or anything like that, but he would calm himself with it. He fussed until one of us stuck it in his mouth.

I don't think a pacifier is evil or anything, but three days ago I noticed a little sore in the corner of Nate's little mouth. Like a cold sore, and I thought we should probably loose the pacifiers, at least for a while.

Overall, Nate has been a trooper. He's fine as long as I'm holding him. But last night and today I reached my breaking point. I simply can't spend 45 minutes of every hour nursing him. I can't even hold him that much. So now I must listen to him fuss and cry and do this funny singing thing over the baby monitor. I can't give in. No, really, I can't. I've misplaced all the binkies in the house. Nick probably has them all stashed somewhere.

1 comment:

Lou said...

Be strong! I've been so bad about posting lately, but we have successfully weaned Logan from the pacifier (and the swaddle) and things are so much happier now. Good luck to you. It's not easy, but it is worth it in the end.