Friday, May 26, 2006

a picture is worth a thousand words

Unfortunately, I will not be posting one today. I have run out of current photographs to post. Last weekend I tried to delete the already downloaded flood photos from my camera but keep the cute pictures of Nathan and Nicholas. I went through the pictures on my camera one by one, locking the precious ones of my boys. But then I forgot to SAVE MY CHANGES and threw them all away, except some images of water and our canoe. Needless to say I was not very happy.
And I have yet to download the NEW pictures off my camera.
So no photo for YOU!
As an update, Nathan has started on rice cereal - stop the presses! He's really great at getting it EVERYWHERE and eating next to none, but it's only been a few days. What he REALLY wants is a cookie, but so far I've said no.
And I have spent the rest of my time worrying about toilet training Nicholas. I think I actually might put it off for a nother couple of months, depending on what his doctor says.


LARISSA said...

ah. i see how this goes. Kathleen loses some sleep and becomes the photo nazi. Better than the "potty nazi." Not that i'm qualified to give potty training advice (but i DO have a gazillion friends with babies), but i hear the current trend is to potty train in one day. Wait until that kid makes it clear that he knows when he needs to go, get rid of that nappy and VOILA! That one day sucks for everybody, but apparently it works!

Debs said...

i hear those pull up nappy\pants are good, cos they can be used like pants and also make accidents a little less annoying!

Anonymous said...

I had enough trouble potty training Fred when he was a puppy, I can't imagine a little human being! Just stock up on patience, love & pull-ups & go to it!